: MAT 201A: Media Signal Processing | ||
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For a online version with click-able links and color graphics please refer to either http://luv.mat.ucsb.edu/synthbilder or http://aug.ment.org/synthbilder
Loris - an Open Source C++ class library implementing analysis, manipulation, and synthesis of digitized sounds using the Reassigned Bandwidth-Enhanced Additive Sound Model.
Bitmaps & Waves - a simple program converts bitmap images to sounds, and vice versa. Every line of loaded image is assumed to be a spectrum of sound, and it is converted to sound signal by means of inverse Fourier transform
Sculptor - is designed for the manipulation of sounds in other domains.
Metasynth - a fast and flexible graphic sound design and synthesis environment.
Woon Seung Yeo's MAT 310 project - image sonification: image to sound.
"Equation" by Aphex Twin - Examples of Audio Spectrum Analysis
DSP Guide - Chapter 8 and subsequent chapters of "DSP guide" on the application of the Fourier Transform.
Signal Processing First, James H. McClellan, Ronald W. Schafer, Mark A. Yoder. Pearson Education,Inc. - Chapter 3 on Spectrum Representation, especially 3.7 on Time-Frequency spectrum.